On this Christmas Day, let’s consider leadership and the gift of kindness. As you move up the leadership ranks, expectations about your ability to engage with others increase too. But let’s be honest, we have all worked with people that we simply do not like (and we...
Executive Coaching
10 Tips for Coaching Employees: The Leap from Contributor to Manager
By Barbara McAllister, MS, MCC. I don’t know about you, but I have found that some clients are very challenged transitioning from individual contributor to manager. I understand this, because in my organizational career I took this leap, walked in the shoes of some of...
How Will You Grow Your Leadership Skills?
It’s common to take stock of things and consider meaningful change at the end of the year. And with good reason. We naturally gravitate toward self-assessment, change, and new directions when we reach important, symbolic time posts, such as the close of the year, the...
Coaching and the 3 Immutable Laws of Change
By Andreas Schumacher, PhD, PCC. Executive coaching at its core is designed to bring about meaningful and sustainable change towards optimal functioning. Through thoughtful reflection, new insights are developed into the strengths we can leverage, and the emotional or...
Attracting and Keeping the Best Employees
Many companies are working hard to retain and hire talent. Anyone can keep a mediocre employee… they never leave! But HR managers know how difficult it is to attract and hang on to great employees — particularly in the midst of the “great resignation.” A recent...
Making Decisions with Your Toes: How Your “Brain-Body” Helps You Lead
By Katherine Poehnert, MEd Psych, PCC Did you know that your Brain is distributed throughout your body? If you have a body, and move that body in space, and are aware of the signals that body is sending to you, then you know that your behaviors, decisions, emotions,...
How Is Your Team Performing? A 5 Point Check-Up
Are you feeling some fatigue from all the stories that urgently and breathlessly write about how the pandemic and remote work are changing EVERYTHING? Some issues become so trendy that the impulse to relate them to every aspect of leadership and organizational...
A Leader Knows How to Give Feedback. True or False?
By Margaret Enloe, JD, PCC. True or false: A Leader Knows How to Give Feedback. The answer is often…false. Yet, giving and seeking good feedback is a critical skill throughout one’s career, especially for a leader who wants to get the best out of themselves and their...
The Most Important Element in the Trust Equation
Aaron became the divisional vice president of a technology firm about six months ago. He knew he was taking charge of a hot mess — his predecessor had led poorly, resulting in mediocre performance, low employee morale, and bad feelings all around. Aaron realized early...
The Future of Leadership: 5 Principles
By Claudia Beck, CPA, PCC. Many of us began our careers by developing expertise in a technical, functional, or professional domain. Doing our job well meant having the right answers and becoming an expert. We became attached to knowing. We climbed the ladder and...