By Hien DeYoung, PCC In a 2021 McKinsey quarterly report, research showed that 51% of employees quit their jobs due to a lack of belonging. With COVID quarantines behind us (hopefully) and the hybrid work environment in front of us, it’s not surprising that belonging...
Team Performance
How to Find the Time for Consistent Leadership Development and Training
We recently wrote about the importance of consistent coaching, training, and repetition for leadership development and training. In fact, consistency and repetition is critical for almost anything we wish to learn or improve upon — from leadership skills to baking...
How to Find the Time for Consistent Leadership Development and Training
We recently wrote about the importance of consistent coaching, training, and repetition for leadership development and training. In fact, consistency and repetition is critical for almost anything we wish to learn or improve upon — from leadership skills to baking...
Critical In-Person Meeting Tips: Use a Facilitator
As organizations rethink their long-term work options — such as work-from-home, in-office, and hybrid arrangements — larger departmental, divisional, and company-wide meetings are making a comeback. One of the biggest in-person meeting tips I can provide is to use a...
Elderhood: The Second Mountain
By Laura Hansen, MA, PCC In a series of recent conversations with one of my executive coaching clients, he told me that early in his career he had prided himself on being a “talented jerk” (his term). He reflected on the first company he had worked for where that...
The Value of the SBI Feedback Model
Are you aware of the incredible value of the SBI Feedback Model for executive coaching? Jason (not his real name, of course!) was increasingly irritated with the attitude of a direct report — Reilly. Over the past several months, Reilly had become increasingly...
Managing a Team? What are Your Rules of Engagement?
Typically, when a new team is formed or when a project is launched, everyone involved wants to get to the heart of the matter quickly. Time spent on preliminaries, like discussing how the group is going to work together -- your rules of engagement -- is seen by many...
Work Life Integration
Fran LaMattina, PhD, MCC In the recent article by Gallup, How to Eliminate Burnout and Retain Top Talent, by Ben Wigert, burnout is perceived to be a reality in over 70% of today’s workforce. That’s an astounding number! Wherever you may find yourself in digesting...
Creating Safety, Value, and Belonging
Kevin Anthony Johnson, PCC The great management consultant Peter Drucker famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” suggesting that no matter how clever your well-researched and validated strategy for attracting and retaining talent may be, it’s your...
Perfectionists Can Have a Hard Time Learning
By Lilian Abrams, PhD, MBA, MCC, ESIA. A coach-friend quoted the following maxim to me recently, which I found very interesting: “If you don’t introduce something new into a system, the system stagnates.” Now, there are all sorts of possible support and...