By Sandra M. Martínez, PhD, PCC. It is well understood that our immediate boss has the most to do with our job satisfaction. They influence our experience on the job by establishing the tone and frequency of communication, defining our role and responsibilities (or...
Office Communication
The Importance of Checking-In
By Eva Szekeres, MA, PCC Are you struggling to create a strong and efficient team where people feel connected, thriving and looking forward to collaborating with each other? A few simple habits can make a big difference in the long run. One of my favorites is very...
How to Command Your Script
By Tom Henschel, Executive Coach Initially, Nigel wanted help with memorization. He had a firm belief that people would experience him as a better presenter if he memorized his material. So he tried. But the world of work moves fast. He wasn’t able to memorize...
Doing Things I Am Good At, and That Matter!
By Karen Delk, MSc, PCC The past two years have been very different for most of us, individually and collectively. Leaders needed to pivot in mid-March 2020 to managing teams remotely, while other leaders continued operating, staffing, and producing from a work...
What’s Not Being Said
By Peter James, PhD, MBA, PCC. When someone utters the word "communication" in the business environment, what usually comes to everyone's mind is that of speaking. And as leaders, we find it necessary to talk as much as possible in order to ensure that our messages...
Trust: It’s (NOT) All About You
Trust is basic to leadership. Without trust, people watch their backs and look out for their own immediate interests. Without trust, there is no “leadership” in any true sense of the word — you must rely on your job title, blunt force, and fear to get anything...
3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Giving Feedback
Leaders are constantly providing feedback to their employees. It’s a basic characteristic of leadership, yet one that is often handled awkwardly. Janice, a newly-minted department head, rose through the ranks by being very good at what she does (her expertise is...
Could Off-Sites Be Your New “Office?”
A few weeks ago the Wall Street Journal ran a story titled, “The Off-Site is the New Return to the Office.” The author looked at ways that leaders at various businesses across many industries are re-thinking “off-site meetings” as a way to get people back to working...
Are You Harboring Stealth Expectations?
By Rachel Verlik, PCC. Imagine this. You have had a conversation with your boss about your career interests, and you are both on the same page that you are ready for additional responsibilities. While you haven’t articulated a timeline or what those responsibilities...
The Consequences of Giving Advice
By Roberto Giannicola, PCC. (An excerpt from my upcoming book “You’ve Got Algorithm, But Can You Dance? – Learn how to lead with heart and empathy.”) There is one stumbling block that all managers and teachers share when developing their teams and creating autonomy:...