
Arden Coaching Certified as Woman-Owned Business

Arden Coaching Certified as Woman-Owned Business

Hooray for Arden Coaching! (if we do say so ourselves) This month we were certified (again) as a Woman-Owned Business by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)! As a fully woman-owned and operated business, we are proud of our 13 year history in...

5 Tips for Leading Change

5 Tips for Leading Change

Let’s be honest, most of us do not like change. We’re pretty bad at it. Organizational change upsets our routines. It may threaten to make our hard-earned expertise less important, or even obsolete. Change endangers the influence we might have throughout our formal...

Can I Really Say No? And If So, How?

Can I Really Say No? And If So, How?

By Linda Bodnar, PhD, PCC. Over the last five or ten years, I have seen so many leaders become increasingly overwhelmed and overloaded.  As other leaders leave or organizations restructure, they are asked to take on additional work with no additional resources. ...

Personal Leadership and Resilience

Personal Leadership and Resilience

By Laura Hansen, PCC. Resilience “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” -- Merriam-Webster Dictionary A crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic challenges us to continually keep tabs on our well-being. Working on our emotional, mental,...

Remote Connections

Remote Connections

By Tom Henschel, Executive Coach. Berta was struggling with working at home. As a senior leader she felt responsible for a lot of people. As much as she loved her family, she felt called to to do her work. Moving her workspace into her basement helped. She was...

Leadership and Assertiveness for Introverts

Leadership and Assertiveness for Introverts

By Lyne Desormeaux, PsyD, MCC. A few clients of mine have recently been working on being more assertive or coming across has being empowered.  Some are getting feedback that they seem to be saying yes too easily, or aren’t regarded as having authority or being...