Executive Coaching

10 Barriers to Listening

10 Barriers to Listening

By Kelly Ross, PCC Listening is a critical leadership skill.  Without listening we cannot be an effective leader.  While it seems easy to listen, there are many things that pull our attention away from the conversation in front of us. Here are ten common barriers to...

What is the Cost of Executive Coaching?

What is the Cost of Executive Coaching?

Asking how much the cost of executive coaching is a little bit like asking how much it costs to eat dinner in New York City… It depends. Will you be eating at a food cart on the Hudson River Greenway? Name-dropping at an exclusive bistro on the Upper West Side? Dining...

Your Brain on Feedback

Your Brain on Feedback

by Katherine Poehnert, M.Ed. Psych., PCC Let’s face it: when someone asks, “Do you mind if I give you some feedback?” it’s highly unlikely that you will only hear all the great things you said or did. It’s certainly possible that “the good stuff" can be the two sides...