Executive Coaching

Coaching Results: A True Story!

Coaching Results: A True Story!

By Lilian Abrams, Ph.D., MBA, PCC. I’d like to tell you a true story about “Suzanne’s” results from coaching (my client’s name and select details have been changed to protect confidentiality). She is the highest-level female leader in a traditionally male industry —...

Values, Goals, and Digital Minimalism

Values, Goals, and Digital Minimalism

Laura Hansen, PCC. In his book, Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport offers a philosophy for technology use.  Technology is neither good nor bad.  The key is using it to support your goals and values, rather than letting it use you.   Digital minimalists are all around...

Last Minute Office Gifts 2019

Last Minute Office Gifts 2019

Yikes!! Did you forget someone in the office for your annual gift giving?!   Everyone does it at least once per holiday season…fully intending to get a gift for someone in the office (maybe our boss’s administrative assistant, maybe your new counterpart in Marketing)...

Leadership Fad or Trend?

Leadership Fad or Trend?

By Katherine L. Poehnert, M.Ed. Psych., PCC. There are many current, sparkly new terms out there describing approaches to leadership.  As an Executive Leadership Coach I have heard many (although I am sure there are more coming down the pike)… and, truth be told, I...