When we think about professional development and building skills to move our careers forward — or professional development for our organization’s emerging leaders — what comes to mind? Often, professional development that addresses important functional skills is...
The 5 Languages of Appreciation — what’s yours?
by Amanda Kathleen Zinke, MBA, MSOD, PCC Motivated by Appreciation A few weeks ago, one of my coaching clients was talking through her current work situation. She was ready for a next role and being very thoughtful about not only where she could add value and make an...
Say “Yes” to the Best
By Fran LaMattina, PCC Each of us is constantly faced with the need to say “No” to the good and say “Yes” to the best. This is not an easy challenge, since it rears its head at home, at work, in our relationships, with our finances, and, mostly, with our time. If we...
Setting Priorities: Decide What’s Important and Get Things Done!
Maurice had a handwritten to-do list covering two full pages. Full of circles, arrows, and stars, his list was a reflection of his demanding, complex work day. Diligently updating his list every evening, Maurice crossed out several completed items and add a few new...
Leading People Through Change
By Barb McAllister, M.S., MCC When I worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Seattle, I had the opportunity to be the Project Managers for a large-scale transformational change process for our office of 600. Our Regional Administrator was the Change...
6 Ways to Build Grit and Achieve Your Goals
President Harry Truman once said, “C-students run the world.” Truman was in many respects an average person who, through middle-age, possessed an unremarkable record of achievement. A reading of his biography, however, reveals a man with an astonishing reserve of...
Productive “Debate” is Essential for High Performance Teams
Several dynamics are critical to the development of a fully functioning high performance team. In “The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team,” author Patrick Lencioni talks about a common team dysfunction — the fear of conflict — arguing that most organizations would benefit from...
Executive Coaching Overcomes Hurdles to Promotion
Stephanie was an up-and-coming star in the finance department of a New York City-based healthcare management company. She was smart, talented, resourceful, and loved what she did. People noticed, and Stephanie advanced to increasingly responsible finance roles over a...
Influencing Others
By Neal Eisenstein, MBA Leaders are responsible for achieving results and a fundamental truth of leadership is that we work through others to achieve goals and objectives. In large part, leadership requires the ability to influence others. If you’ve read this much,...
Who Are You When Nobody Else is Looking?
By Kevin Ciccotti, CPCC, PCC Leadership is a value-based effort. By that, I mean that your personal values need to be front and center in order for you to be at your best. With that in mind, how often do you revisit your values? What values best define or describe who...