Over the course of a month, Ramona reserved several hours in her schedule to focus intentionally on what her company might look like in two or three years. Yes, the annual executive retreat was coming, and there would be no shortage of strategies, ideas, and opinions,...
Executive Coaching
Creative Brainstorming
I was working with a client recently who is working on building relationships and trust with extended team members. In particular, there is one person with whom he struggles to hear his ideas without (internally) rolling his eyes. He wants to be open to hearing ideas...
Saying “No” So You Can Say “Yes”
By Deborah Howard, PCC. One of the biggest challenges many of my clients who are senior leaders have is being able to say, “no” at work. They believe that to be successful and be seen as a high performer, they have to say “yes,” to whatever project is put in front of...
What’s My Next Step?
Do you find yourself wondering what’s next for you? Are you reviewing, rethinking, or reinventing your priorities? What do you want from the next year…three years…ten years? At 35, Ana has already accomplished a lot professionally. In the last few years she has...
Who Are You?
By Robert Giannicola, ACC. That’s a question I’ve been asking several coaching clients. Why? Well, after having a few coaching sessions with them, I realize that as accomplished as they are, they have lost their identity to their work. A common issue I notice about...
5 Wellness Hacks for Work From Home (WFH)
Adam has been working from home (WFH) for over ten weeks. His job has kept him busy — he has worked through full days and evenings of video meetings, conference calls, email, and texts. He’s done a great job of leading his team remotely and staying on top of some...
Establishing and Exploring Boundaries
By Rachel Verlik, PCC. How well do you create and honor your boundaries? And why do they matter? Consider the case of Sarita*, a director of product development in a well-known public company. Sarita is well liked within her organization, and the company is investing...
Overcoming Zoom Fatigue
By Kevin Johnson, PCC. Spending hours a day working from home on video calls can be just as draining -- if not more so -- than in-person meetings. Here's a brief conversation about "Zoom Fatigue" and some ideas about minimizing its impact. Kevin Johnson, PCC,...
Maximize Your Executive Coaching Experience
The idea of working with an executive coach appealed to Lynda. She understood that executive coaching could help her strengthen her existing leadership skills and develop new capabilities. Lynda wanted to take on a bigger leadership role at work and was planning to...
Executive Coaching and Leadership in Uncertain Times
By Kevin “KJ” Johnson, PCC. As leaders, we’re often expected to know the way forward. This expectation is a trap. In today’s ever-changing business landscape, economic forecasts are less reliable, sales expectations are guessing games, and consumer feedback is...