Executive Coaching Delivers Immediate, Near-Term Benefits Too

Working with an executive coach requires a substantial commitment but delivers big results. While the long-term impacts of executive coaching are the most profound, there are several immediate payoffs as well — insights and improvements that you will benefit from right away.

For meaningful change to take place in your professional or personal life you first need to understand and evaluate your patterns of thinking. Only then can you apply yourself to a new course of action. At Arden Coaching, we typically begin an executive coaching engagement by conducting a 360o Leadership Assessment. This approach, and our initial meetings, make an immediate difference in many ways, including:

Quick Victories. The 360o Leadership Assessment often helps us discover some simple challenges and opportunities for fast improvement. Quick victories build momentum for greater things to come.

Prioritizing to Maximize Results. Our 360o feedback also helps identify the greatest areas of potential impact — helping us prioritize where to focus our executive coaching efforts to deliver the the biggest bang for your buck.

Clarity. Executive coaching provides a “safe space” for thought and reflection. As executives move up the organization, they discover that the old cliche, “it’s lonely at the top,” is true. With an executive coach, you have a neutral, confidential thought-partner to help you think through your behaviors, your priorities, your patterns of leadership and decision-making, and your best courses of action.

Self-Awareness. Executive coaching efforts result quickly in an increase in self-awareness — a critical characteristic for any effective executive and leader.

Self-Confidence. These efforts and activities, combined with the knowledge that your organization is making a long-term investment in your skills and abilities, results in a significant boost in self-confidence.

Executive coaching pushes you to grow professionally and personally, breaks down the barriers of your corporate comfort zones, and develops the skills required to take you to the next level of leadership, from enhanced strategic thinking and professional presence to leadership style and communication. The positive changes will last a lifetime. But, there’s an immediate impact too. For more information about executive coaching and its value, read these two informative Arden Coaching articles: “3 Areas Where Executives Will See Improvement After Executive Coaching” and “What is the Value of Executive Coaching?

To learn more about executive coaching and 360o Leadership Assessment, contact us at [email protected] or 646.844.2233.