Developing IT Teams for Success
In every company, strong team work is synonymous with success. However, for tech companies and for organizations that have IT departments, positive business outcomes can hinge on the strength and cohesiveness of the IT teams.
A strong IT team is agile, unified, innovative and responsive. The leaders of the strongest teams create the conditions for providing strong communication, while allowing for optimal creativity for the internal and external clients. While this may be said of any leader, these conditions are especially needed in the fast-paced and highly specialized world in which IT teams operate.
Great IT team development helps solve the retention dilemma
Because of the unprecedented demand, the IT profession is the most challenging in which to retain top talent. These professionals are actively recruited by competitors and organizations willing to give top dollar for talent. As long as salary is competitive, the primary reason IT professionals stay in an organization is their coworkers on the IT team. Helping IT teams be cohesive, collaborative, and enjoyable to work with is an imperative for any organization wanting to retain a top team.
IT Development Programs that Works
Traditional workplace training and development doesn’t often resonate with IT professionals. Development, such as improving communication skills, may be seen as the promotion of “soft” skills (a.k.a. time-wasting activities.) In addition, traditional program delivery focused on right-brain development and activity can be a challenge for these traditionally left-brain-inclined professionals.
The key to IT team member development is to short-circuit these concerns by:
- Delivering content in a manner that resonates with IT’s traditional ways of taking in data
- Making sure it is clear how the content provides ways to better generate outcomes important to them (in other words, it’s not just a nice-to-have-but-non-essential skillset; it actually gets them something they want)
- Focusing on both the strengths of the individual and the power of a team through a variety of training methods .
To learn more about this highly specialized training and development for IT professionals, please contact us.