Arden Executive Coaching | Are You a Reflective Leader?

Are You a Reflective Leader?

By Marian Oláh, MBA, MA, PCC


beautiful place


Do you sometimes notice that you are so intensely following a discussion, while simultaneously being engrossed in your internal thinking process, that you miss opportunities to share your ideas and contribute to a meeting?

At other times, you could kick yourself for not having spoken up before someone blurted out an idea that you had been sitting on for twenty minutes?

Have you ever felt frozen and unable to speak when you were put on the spot?

Do you sometimes feel that you do not get full credit for your contributions from your colleagues, family, or community?




Have You Ever Wished You Could:

  • Think on your feet?
  • Be more talkative in certain situations?
  • Have your own office with a door where you could really concentrate on your work?

If you answered “yes” to many of these questions, You Might Be a Reflective Leader (a person with a preference for introversion, according to the MBTI typology).

Reflective Leaders’ greatest strength is their introspective and observant nature, which means tremendous patience and capacity to listen and take in vast amounts of information, a unique ability to connect the dots and glean eye-opening insights, and a deep trust in their intuition, creativity, and thinking process. They excel in intense concentration and focus, problem-solving, and using their imagination as a catalyst for action.

As we know, too much of a good thing can be bad for you, and so it is with the talents and aptitudes of Reflective Leaders. Their greatest strengths may become their greatest liabilities. Their personal characteristics and behavior patterns may negatively impact how others perceive them. Reflective Leaders are sometimes considered reserved, quiet, detached, and even aloof which may result in feelings of being misunderstood, under-valued, not heard or seen, ignored, and not acknowledged for their contributions.

Partnering with a coach  can help overcome these challenges in meaningful 1-on-1 conversations. A coach advocates for and helps Reflective Leaders see, own, and meet their potential and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. Through the assessment of individual, team, and organizational dynamics, a coach brings clarity and insight to Reflective Leaders to develop new skills, behaviors, and mindsets. In turn, these shifts enable them to close the gap between how they are perceived, who they truly are, and how they intend to show up in their interactions. A coach provides the forum to talk about the most important things – how to be heard, seen, and understood because Reflective Leaders deserve to shine and be valued.




For more detail on using the strengths of your reflective leadership, contact us today.