Arden Executive Coaching | From Discontent to Creation: How Leadership Programs Combined with Coaching Ignite Growth

From Discontent to Creation: How Leadership Programs Combined with Coaching Ignite Growth

by Lyne Desormeaux, PSYD, MCC

Leadership is rarely a straight path. Some leaders come into coaching full of confidence, ready to refine their skills. Others arrive feeling stuck, weighed down by challenges they can’t quite define. As coaches, we don’t hand out quick solutions—we create space for exploration. Sometimes, that means sitting with discomfort, exploring frustration, and gradually uncovering the insights that can fuel transformation.

Turning Frustration into Growth

Every leader reaches a point where they feel like something isn’t working—whether it’s a disconnect with their team, a plateau in their career, or a nagging sense that they’re capable of more. Leadership programs, especially when paired with coaching, provide a structured way to explore this discontent and turn it into action.

One of the biggest benefits of a leadership program is the ability to see transformation in real-time—not just in yourself but in others. Watching peers evolve over the course of a program is powerful. You see leaders enter with uncertainty and hesitation, then gradually shift as they gain clarity, develop confidence, and experiment with new ways of leading. These moments create a ripple eJect: when one leader embraces growth, it encourages others to do the same.

Shifting Perspective to Drive Change

One of the most valuable aspects of leadership development is the ability to step back and see challenges or one’s career path diJerently. A problem that feels overwhelming in isolation often becomes more manageable when viewed from a fresh perspective. Leadership programs provide opportunities for guided reflection, helping leaders identify patterns, uncover blind spots, and explore new approaches they might not have considered on their own.

I’ve seen firsthand how a single insight can reshape an entire career. One leader I worked with felt uninspired and stagnant, struggling to find purpose in their role. In coaching, they focused on self-care and more intentional career conversations. They developed and implemented a plan, established a self-care routine, and improved their engagement with key stakeholders.

The leadership program further accelerated their growth. While helping a teammate navigate a challenge, they identified the need for a new role—one that could benefit not just an individual but multiple colleagues and projects. This shift in focus—from day-to-day tasks to strategic innovation—transformed their leadership approach.

The result? Not just personal growth and career advancement, but a lasting, positive impact on their organization.

The Underrated Power of Self-Awareness

Continued learning and self-reflection are often overlooked in leadership, yet one breakthrough can trigger a cascade of change. The moment a leader recognizes a blind spot, shifts a limiting belief, or envisions a future they hadn’t considered before; their entire trajectory can change.

Leadership programs combined with coaching aren’t just about learning skills—they’re about learning yourself. The ability to step back, observe, and adapt is what sets great leaders apart. When leaders stop viewing frustration as a roadblock and start seeing it as a doorway to growth, they move from discontent to creation.

Elevate your Leadership Potential

To learn more about leadership programs and executive coaching at Arden, reach out to Lyne for a consultation.