By Rachel Verlik, PCC. Many of our coaching conversations lately, especially in the era of COVID, are around self-trust and inner knowing. Amidst conflicting stories from organizations, the media, and leaders, we are having to look at what makes the best sense for our teams, our families, and ourselves. That requires deep inner listening and self-trust — and in our current time and culture, it sure can get noisy, dimming access to that internal GPS.
Our internal GPS (i.e., self-trust) is a source of immense wisdom. We heavily rely on our cognitive decision-making brains — and with good reason. Objective and rational decision making has been taught through our schooling, and certainly applauded in Western corporate culture. Yet we have another tool, often underused — and that is our inner knowing. Sometimes it feels like a “gut” feeling, or is a decision that feels like it just fits physically for you. This, too, can be a source of knowledge and decision making. And what leader doesn’t want all the data to make a wise decision?!
How can you quiet the external noise and listen to your inner knowing, your inner GPS? We’re sharing some tips below:
- Breathe. That may sound pedantic, but often when we’re overwhelmed with data or noise, we start operating from our limbic, or emotional, brain. Breath helps us calm our nervous system, get out of the clutter, and tap into our rational, decision making brain. It clears the way to better listen to that internal GPS.
- Write. This can be anything from a daily journal practice at the same time each day, to a periodic jotting down of notes in your phone. Journaling allows you to capture those moments of clarity and awareness, and often allows you to see trends over time.
- Connect. Connection can be with a friend, a coach, or a therapist, depending on the nature of your reflection. We can often get into our own heads, blocking awareness to access that inner knowing. Connecting with an objective person can provide new insight and outside listening to help you tap into self-trust.
- Learn. Sometimes we really do need to learn different approaches or frameworks to deepen our internal self-trust. Find a class, a program, a cohort of like-minded individuals to deepen your knowledge. It’s possible you can even start one yourself!
Breathe. Write. Connect. Learn. Simple yet powerful tools to help you listen to your inner knowing and move you to greater self-trust.
To learn more about tapping into your inner GPS and developing self-trust, schedule a consultation with Rachel.