Arden Executive Coaching | Testimonials


“He is a whole new person, he has become so diligent in his follow through and is such a great peer and partner to work with. He really listens and navigates the challenges of the politics of his role quite well. He speaks up for himself much more than he did before. I love working with him.”

K.T., Chief People Officer, Real Estate Investment

“Working with my Arden coach has been transformational. I experienced *years* of personal growth in each of our sessions, and my only wish is that I had met her earlier in my life.”

J.L., VP, Media

“I’ve never seen such a 180 degree change before, through a coaching engagement! This is from both my own and other people’s observations. He can get more done, more quickly, now because he cracked the relationship piece. He has built trust. Wow, it’s really been awesome!”

L.D. Vice President, Construction (boss of client)

“I’ve interacted with a few coaches at different stages of my career, and my Arden coach is the best coach I’ve every worked with, hands down. I leave global client services at an international financial institution and I’m partnered with Arden to further develop my skills in communication, influencing, and leading people. My partnership with my coach helped me gain a new perspective towards my career, fire up my motivation, and create rewarding relationships. I highly recommend him as a leadership coach at any stage of your career.”

G.L., Assistant Vice President, Global Banking

“The experience has surpassed my expectations. I feel like I’ve benefited immensely. I wish I had the opportunity to work with my Arden coach earlier in my career.”

R.K., Senior Vice President, Construction

“Life changing! These are the words that immediately come to mind when I think about the impact of Arden’s coaching. Our sessions not only impacted me professionally but personally as well. My coach was able to help me refocus my lens and get to the heart of what was a priority for me.”

A.D., Global Diversity Officer, Global Bank

“Much better than the other coaches we have worked with. Great first session!”

Arden Leadership Academy Participant

“ My direct report that you’re coaching has benefited immensely from his time with you and so has the business. He has tremendous upside and this investment in him will payback seeing that upside realized.”

K .H., Chief Operating Officer, Logistics

“My Arden coach facilitates exercises and conversations that have helped me gain clarity, improving my ability to evaluate circumstances and ultimately make better decisions. She has played an important role in my success.”

D. W., President and CEO, Healthcare

“ Executive coaching through Arden has been invaluable. We receive very positive feedback from our participants.”

H. M., CHRO, Finance

“ The Leadership Academy sessions were outstanding and incredibly valuable. The coach’s guidance was very helpful.”

E. F., Director, Construction

“My coach challenges me in a good way, and he encouraged me to take the perspective of others more often than I was used to. He helped me grow as a manager.”

K. J., Department Manager, Healthcare

“My Arden coach, Peter is the true epitome of high quality coaching and exemplary excellence! He encouraged me to be a better leader and individual! ”

Assistant Director, Cancer Research Training Education Coordination

“ Arden is a place where our guard can be dropped and a candid discussion can be had, yielding a nontraditional conclusion that is usually insightful (only because we seldom go there). Arden’s been a super sounding board with appropriate and thoughtful response that is well balanced in delivery. ”

I.P., Senior Vice President, Construction

“Arden’s services exceeded my expectations. You helped my team through a through a challenging transition. The coach is a superb facilitator and was able to role model this. In addition, my 1:1 coaching with him has been helpful. He challenges me in a good way and encouraged me to take the perspective of others more often than I was used to. He helped me grow as a manager.”

K.J., Department Manager, Healthcare

“What I have found working with Arden Coaching is that you guys are quick reads. You come to understand the underlying issue/problem much sooner than I would have ever anticipated. Arden has consistently sourced and then facilitated a discussion that worked the issue until I/we found confidence in the solution.”

I.P., Senior Vice President, Construction

“Thank you for the difference you and your team have made in our company. You’ve had a huge impact on how we operate and how we talk to people.”

L. D., Vice President, Human Resources

“My coach is absolutely incredible. She helped me more than I can say with words and will highly recommend Arden to anyone.”

K.L., Associate Lawyer, Global Law Firm

“We had a wonderful experience with Arden Coaching, it was really transformational for a Sr. Leader in our Technology group. From the outset, I must admit that I didn’t have high hopes for him, but you guys have been amazing. He could be your poster child.”

K.N., SVP, Retail

“My coach has a way about him. A calm, caring, genuine demeanor. The way he balances accountability and growth with patience, and understanding is refreshing. He helped me in so many ways at a critical transition in my career. This is my first one-on-one long term coaching experience and it has truly been unforgettable.”

B.P., Manager, Construction

“I have become a better person because of your reflections and coaching.”

C.B., President, Health Information

“My Arden coach is a life raft in a turbulent ocean! His experience and knowledge helps me navigate and find my way in a company that I joined only seven months ago. As the only female on an established executive team, my coach helps me stay on track and navigate through some very difficult situations and even more challenging personalities. He has also been instrumental in helping me with my presentation style and confidence in speaking.”

R.T., Managing Director of Operations, Real Estate Development

“Right off the bat my Arden coach was quick to get to the root(s) of the challenges I was experiencing leading my team, as if he had known me for much longer than he did. This helped to identify solutions much more quickly than I expected. He provided a good balance of positive and constructive feedback which helped me keep an ‘even keel’ when self-reflecting.”

D.M., Vice President, Real Estate Development

“I was very happy with my experience with my coach. I’ve interacted with a few coaches before, and I found him to be the best in understanding my needs and objectives, as well as my strengths and weaknesses, and then helping me work through them. He knew the right questions to ask and how to guide me in the right direction, while letting me come up with my own answers and solutions. My coach also helped me get more engaged and motivated. This was in all a very enriching and beneficial experience.”

G.L., AVP, Global Banking

“My Arden coach is amazing! She is very intuitive and knows how to hold me accountable in a positive manner. Her approach is very organized, her situational awareness and empathy are outstanding. I can definitely say she has made me a better leader.”

H.W., Director, Construction

“She has learned to make room for others in the conversation and effectively delegate to her team efficiently, she has increased her management capacity and had strong results. Overall, I believe it was an excellent investment in time and achieved the desired result. From the Coaching client It was great. I really grew. My coach was tough but fair. Really helped me see some blind spots I had. It was a fantastic relationship.”

A.A., Executive Vice President, Healthcare Analytics

“Working with my Arden coach was game-changing for me, and I’m so grateful to him and to Arden for making this program happen. He speaks hard truths kindly, which is an incredible superpower. He made coaching very approachable. I felt like I had no space or margin in my day for anything outside of my day-to-day job responsibilities, and his approach of neither pushing me from behind nor pulling me from ahead but just walking with me where I was had a profound impact on me. At times he was unflinching – he wouldn’t let me gloss over uncomfortable truths. At the same time, I felt like I could show up as a whole person (with, for example, my highly imperfect pandemic childcare). I have no constructive feedback for him – he was exactly the source of wisdom I needed in this chapter of my life.”

D.F., Director of Business Operations, Software

“My Arden coach is amazing. She has changed my life professionally and personally. I look forward to every encounter with her.”

“My Coaching engagement with Arden has been excellent. My coach is incredibly thoughtful in how she drives our sessions. We have a great plan in place based on my 360 interviews, and she’s able to weave in modifications as needed as my work / priorities shift. I feel strongly supported by her and Arden in this process, and I could not be happier.”

Y.A., Senior Vice President, Healthcare

“Your observations, tips, insights and guidance is a BIG part of my success in leading our company’s journey, and in helping transform the entire industry. Your help contributed to me being selected for this award. I appreciate that very much.”

Z.H., Regional Manager, Construction

“The coaching engagement with my Arden Coach is going great. He has been challenging, does not permit skirting tough issues and really forces introspection. I highly recommend him and value his insight.”

W.D., Vice President, Construction

“I desperately needed someone like you and this coaching experience in my life but I was too stubborn to pursue it myself. While the start of the process wasn’t necessarily pleasant and I had my hesitance and resentment about the whole thing – I’m so thankful for everything I’ve learned and how much personal growth I have achieved in partnering with you to work with me.”

T.B., Senor Consultant, Technology

“I believe my Arden coach is one of the best there is. He truly has a gift for coaching. The experience with him and Arden has been one that I will always remember and use as I continue to grow in leadership. I have the tools I need to get through anything that may come my way.”

M.C., Executive Director, non-profit

“Executive coaching with my Arden coach really changed my life and confidence. Instead of making decisions based off gut feelings or reactions to stimulus, I now have systems, communication skills and techniques to work through problems that I am able to pass along to my staff. I’m able to share my vision, validate before debate and use non-violent communication to give positive and critical feedback in a respectful manner. Executive coaching has truly changed my life and business for the better.”

K.M., CEO, Hospitality

“I have really enjoyed my coaching sessions. My coach has a great balance of being firm and challenging, without being offensive or aggressive. He knows how to push just enough to surface the root of the issue without pushing the conversation over the edge.”

B.O., Vice President, Construction

”We are extremely happy and amazed with the progress the managers are making as part of the group and individual coaching sessions. We have seen ‘night and day’ transformations and are very impressed with Arden.”

F.O., CHRO, Healthcare

“It exceeded my expectations. Interactive, fun, realistic situations and activities. Great course and content. Very well led.”

Arden Leadership Academy Participant

“The incredible amount of perspective and EQ the program has provided me is invaluable, there is so much to learn.”

Arden Leadership Academy Participant

“Amazing presentation and the facilitator was a very dynamic and knowledgeable speaker. The content felt very tailored and I was fully engaged because of the high quality.”

Arden Leadership Academy Participant

“This is a great training. Definitely one of the top three I have had the opportunity to participate in while at [this company]. Grateful I was able to attend.”

Arden Leadership Academy Participant

“This course is the best one I have attended so far at [this company]. It managed to balance being extremely informative and enjoyable. The instructors used humor, real world examples and numerous activities to keep the group engaged and the pace at which the course was delivered was excellent.”

Arden Leadership Academy Participant

“The Arden coach did a exemplary job of facilitation and the Exec Team truly stepped up with conversation and transparency.”

E.T., President, non-profit

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Arden Executive Coaching | Testimonials
Arden Executive Coaching | Testimonials
Arden Executive Coaching | Testimonials