Arden Executive Coaching | Rob Elsey

Rob Elsey


Rob Elsey, PhD, EMBA, BCC

Focus: Team Development, Managing Complexity, Communication Skill Development

Education and Certification

Board Certified Coach (BCC) from the CCE

Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Clinical,Cognitive & Developmental Emphases,University of Northern Colorado

Doctoral Research, University of California, Berkely, Institute of Human Development

M.A., California School of Professional Psychology, Clinical Psychology

B.A., University of St. Thomas, Experimental Psychology, Philosophy, Theology

EMBA., Quantic School of Business and Technology

Ed.S., School Psychology, University of Northern Colorado

Certification in multiple assessments: Hogan Suite, WorkPlace Big 5, MBTI, Gallup Clifton Strengths, NLI, LVI, CCL Suite of assessments, Emotional Intelligence Quotient Inventory (EQ-I 2.0 and EQ 360), multiple cognitive and selection focused assessments

“I got more out of 1 coaching call with Rob than I expected. He was instrumental in accelerating my growth during a time of significant professional transition.”

— BS, SVP and Head Men’s designer at athletic apparel company

Rob Elsey is a Board Certified Executive Coach, psychologist and organizational advisor with 20+ years of experience in leadership development.

Rob is an expert with large-scale initiatives that include leadership program design and delivery, coaching skills development, change enablement, talent assessment, selection and development, culture transformation, and executive succession planning.

Executive coaching specialties include assessment for selection and development, executive team alignment and performance, and high-potential development. Rob has worked, collaborated, and coached individuals and teams in a variety of services including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, legal, pharma and technology.

Rob’s previous roles have included Sr. Director, Coaching lead of Leadership and Organization Effectiveness at top management consulting firm; Global Coaching Portfolio lead at top leadership institute, and Senior Faculty and Vice President of Product Development and Marketing at Fortune 500.

Rob has worked with big four public accounting to develop ‘talent labs’ for people systems, innovation and technology; broader people initiatives like bespoke leadership programs and talent initiatives, culture and systems development; extensive executive coaching at all leader-levels.

Rob has published several books and articles to include:

Article: Succession Planning, Fortune Magazine, “CEO Succession: Is Anyone in Charge”.

Book, Change Now! Five Steps to Better Leadership; Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)

Book Chapter, The Handbook of Coaching in Organizations titled “Executive Integration Coaching”; Center for Creative Leadership

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