How to Build Stronger Teams Through Languages of Appreciation

In today’s work environment, it’s easy to get lost in the daily grind and forget to take a moment to appreciate the efforts of our coworkers and teammates. Unfortunately, the lack of appreciation in the workplace is all too common, and it can have some serious repercussions on team morale and productivity. Explore the importance of appreciation in the workplace and how to build stronger teams through languages of appreciation. 

The Pitfalls of No Languages of Appreciation

When we don’t receive languages of appreciation in the workplace, it can lead to feelings of frustration, disengagement, and even burnout. According to a Gallup study, 65% of employees haven’t received any form of recognition in the past year.

Furthermore, a lack of appreciation can lead to high employee turnover rates. Employees who feel unappreciated are more likely to leave their jobs, which can be costly for companies. According to a study by the Center for American Progress, the cost of replacing an employee can be as much as 213% of their annual salary.

Languages of Appreciation are Warranted

On the flip side, languages of appreciation in the workplace can have some incredibly positive outcomes. For starters, it can boost employee morale and engagement, which can lead to increased productivity and better outcomes. A study by the O.C. Tanner Institute found that employees who receive regular recognition are more engaged and have higher levels of job satisfaction.

Languages of appreciation are a fundamental aspect of building positive relationships in the workplace, and it’s simply the right thing to do. Showing gratitude and acknowledging the contributions of others can have a profound impact on morale, motivation, and team performance.

When we take the time to appreciate our coworkers and teammates, we’re demonstrating that we value their work and contributions. This can help to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect, which can translate into better communication, improved teamwork, and higher levels of productivity.

Languages of appreciation also help to build trust and loyalty. When employees feel appreciated, they’re more likely to feel engaged and committed to their work, which can translate into improved job satisfaction and reduced turnover.

Furthermore, showing appreciation is a way to recognize the humanity of our coworkers. Too often in the workplace, we can become hyper-focused on tasks and outcomes, forgetting that the people around us have their own unique perspectives, experiences, and emotions. By expressing gratitude and appreciation, we’re acknowledging the person behind the work and reminding them that they are seen, heard, and valued.

In short, appreciation is not just a nicety or a luxury, but rather a necessity for creating a positive and productive work environment. It’s an essential component of effective leadership and team building, and it can help to foster a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration. 

Examples of Languages of Appreciation

So, what do languages of appreciation in the workplace look like? Here are three examples:

A Handwritten Note

A sales manager noticed that one of her employees had been working long hours to close a big deal. To show her appreciation, she wrote a handwritten note thanking the employee for their hard work and dedication. The employee was touched by the gesture and felt motivated to continue putting in the extra effort.

A Public Shoutout

During a team meeting, a project manager publicly acknowledged a team member who had gone above and beyond to complete a project on time. The rest of the team applauded and congratulated the employee, who felt proud of their accomplishments and recognized for their hard work.

A Small Gift

A team leader noticed that one of her team members had been feeling stressed and overwhelmed while working on a new project. To show her appreciation and support, she gave the employee a gift card to their favorite coffee shop. The gesture was simple, but it helped the employee feel valued and supported.

Tips to Start Appreciating Your Team

Ready to start showing your coworkers and teammates languages of appreciation? Here are a few tips to get started:

Get to Know Your Team

Everyone has different preferences when it comes to receiving appreciation. Some people might love a public shoutout, while others might prefer a private thank you note. Take the time to get to know your team and their preferences, so you can tailor your appreciation efforts to what works best for them.

Be Specific

When you’re showing appreciation, be specific about what you’re thanking the person for. Instead of a vague “good job,” try something like “I really appreciate the extra effort you put into completing that project on time. Your dedication and hard work are making a real impact.”

Make It Personal

Appreciation doesn’t have to be grand gestures or expensive gifts. Sometimes, a small, personal touch can go a long way. Consider writing a handwritten note, sending a quick email, or simply stopping by someone’s desk to say thank you in person.

10 Examples of Languages of Appreciation

When showing appreciation, keep it specific and succinct. Here are some examples of languages of appreciation.

  1. “Thank you for taking the time to carefully review that report. Your attention to detail is truly impressive, and it shows in the quality of your work.”
  2. “I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your positive attitude. Your enthusiasm and energy always help to keep the team motivated.”
  3. “Your creativity is such an asset to our team. Thank you for bringing new ideas to the table and thinking outside the box.”
  4. “I wanted to thank you for going above and beyond on that project. Your dedication and hard work did not go unnoticed.”
  5. “I appreciate how organized you are. Your ability to stay on top of deadlines and keep things running smoothly is invaluable.”
  6. “Thank you for always being willing to lend a helping hand. Your kindness and generosity make such a difference.”
  7. “Your communication skills are exceptional. Thank you for keeping everyone informed and making sure everyone is on the same page.”
  8. “I wanted to acknowledge your leadership skills. Your ability to guide and motivate the team is truly impressive.”
  9. “Your attention to customer service is outstanding. Thank you for always putting the customer first and going the extra mile to ensure their satisfaction.”
  10. “I appreciate how reliable you are. Your consistency and dependability make you a valuable asset to our team.”

The Importance of Executives Learning Their Teams’ DiSC Styles

Executives and leaders of businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of understanding their teams’ DiSC styles. DiSC, which stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness, is a behavioral assessment tool that provides insights into individual communication and work styles and can help inform how to tailor sentiments of appreciation to each team member. 

By familiarizing themselves with the DiSC profiles of their team members, executives can foster better collaboration, enhance communication, and improve overall team dynamics. Understanding the diverse preferences and tendencies of each team member allows leaders to tailor their approach, adapt their leadership style, and create an environment that supports the unique strengths and motivators of each individual. This awareness not only helps in building stronger relationships and resolving conflicts more effectively but also boosts productivity and employee engagement, leading to greater organizational success.

If you are interested in deepening your understanding of languages of appreciation and/or DiSC workshops and how they can benefit your organization, we invite you to reach out to us for more information. With our leadership development training and executive coaching programs, you’ll learn how to effectively communicate appreciation to your coworkers and teammates, and become a more effective leader in the process. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you achieve your professional goals.