“Humble Inquiry” by Edgar Schein – A Catalyst for Effective Communication and Leadership

by Nick Tubach, M.B.A., PCC

In our fast-paced, data-driven world where telling, instructing and advising have become the norm, Edgar H. Schein’s book, “Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling,” stands out as an essential guide to effective communication and leadership.

The book is built around the concept of ‘Humble Inquiry.’ This approach involves asking questions to which you do not already know the answer, building a relationship based on curiosity and interest in the other person. It challenges the traditional norms of communication that are more about telling rather than asking.

One of the key insights from Schein’s book is the understanding that good communication depends on good relationships. Humble Inquiry, therefore, isn’t an exact science but an art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you genuinely want to hear the answers.

Schein argues that Humble Inquiry can lead to more effective communication and leadership. By replacing telling with asking, leaders can foster a culture of openness and mutual respect. This shift in communication style can lead to more transformational dynamic environments, encouraging employees to develop and use their critical thinking skills.

In essence, Humble Inquiry is about creating a climate of shared understanding and trust. It encourages individualized consideration, a vital component of transformational leadership. Leaders who practice Humble Inquiry are more likely to understand their colleagues or subordinates better, thus enabling them to provide the right support and guidance.

Moreover, Humble Inquiry can lead to growth and innovation. Humility gives rise to curiosity, and curiosity, as we know, is the mother of innovation. When leaders create a culture where asking questions is valued over providing answers, they open up pathways for new ideas and creative solutions.

Schein’s “Humble Inquiry” is more than just a book; it’s a guide to transforming the way we communicate and lead. It’s a call for leaders to embrace humility, to ask more and tell less, and to foster an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

For anyone looking to sharpen their soft skills in the 21st century, “Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling,” is a must-read. It’s a testament to the power of questions and how they can improve relationships, enhance leadership, and drive innovation.

In conclusion, Schein’s book is a reminder that in our quest for effective communication and leadership, sometimes the most powerful tool we have is the ability to ask a simple, humble question.

Elevate your Leadership Potential, Humble Inquiry, and More

To learn more about effective executive coaching, reach out to Nick for a consultation.