Arden Executive Coaching | HR Directors: Getting a Seat at the Table

HR Directors: Getting a Seat at the Table

Arden Executive Coaching | HR Directors: Getting a Seat at the TableHere at Arden Coaching, we talk to HR Directors all day long about their executives and about getting them the support they need to expand their leadership and step up to the next level.

When we ask those HR Directors what THEY need and want, they often tell us that they want more of a voice in the company they work for.  They want the leaders in the organization to see the bottom line impact of their people.  They want resources and focus allocated to the concerns they hear employees talk about everyday and the solutions that HR has come up with to address them.  In other words, they want a seat at the table!

Many of the leadership tips and coaching we provide for executives also apply to HR Directors looking for that step up: you can lead from anywhere!

We also thought you might like this information from our partner, the New Talent TImes, about the career histories of top HR professionals.  Enjoy the article HERE.  See what you can learn from those in the top executive slots!

Let us know what you think below.  And remember, even though much of your day is focused on developing others, don’t forget to keep developing yourself!  When you’re ready for assistance, contact us!