As you’re learning about executive coaching and thinking about giving it a try, you may think to yourself, is this something I’m ready for? Executive coaching can be rewarding to you as an individual executive, as well as your company, but only if you demonstrate the necessary mindset.
Executive coaching is a partnership between the executive and the coach, and it will only work the way it was designed if both parties are actively engaged in the program. To improve your skills and get the most out of the program, you’ll need to be responsible for attending meetings with your coach and communicating with him or her. It’s also up to you to be in charge of the process as your coach guides you along.
Learn more about the signs that let you know you’re ready. If you find the following to be true about yourself, you’re ready for executive coaching.
- I want to work on something. If you can recognize that there are areas where you’d like to improve, you’re already on your way to doing so. While it’s not necessary to enter a program knowing what you’d like to work on, it will definitely benefit you to communicate your ideas to your coach.
- I’m curious and have a learning mindset. The only way that executive coaching will have an impact on you is if you’re open to new ways of thinking. When you work with a coach, he or she will help you see beyond your own thoughts and perceptions to allow you to envision a different outcome. If you can’t open your mind to a new way of thinking, you won’t be able to achieve new results. Instead, you’ll remain stagnant in your current position.
It’s also important that you’re curious about the possibilities that are ahead of you and eager to gain the skills necessary to become a more effective leader.
- I’ve set aside mental energy and time in my calendar. You won’t be able to attend one coaching session and then expect your leadership
skills to magically improve immediately. In order to improve, you’ll need to take action. This means attending meetings with your coaches, keeping an open mind, listening and responding thoughtfully and, most importantly, putting your coaching into action.
- I’m willing to be open and to share. During your program, you’ll need to communicate with your coach and be honest with him or her about the goals you’re interested in achieving. It’s also important that you’re open seeing other points of view and willing to perform new actions and behavior differently to produce improved results.
The role of your executive coach is a lot like the role of a personal trainer. He or she will work with you and guide you to improve, but the results will be based on your actions.
If you think that you’re ready for executive coaching, click here to set up a consultation with Arden Coaching.