Arden Executive Coaching | Why First Time Managers Should Undergo Leadership Training

Why First Time Managers Should Undergo Leadership Training

A first-time manager or younger person in the office typically gets a large amount of technical skills training (how to fill out performance reviews, office protocols, topic-specific training, etc). These skills are of course necessary – there’s lots to learn as a new manager! However, as is true at all levels (especially as you move up), most the skills you need at work are not actually technical.

“Two thirds of success in business is based upon our emotional intelligence as opposed to our level of IQ or our level of experience” – Daniel Goleman, New York Times bestseller Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence: The Science of Human Behavior

As the quote above states, not all our success is going to come from our IQ level or technical skills training. As they begin their journey into leadership, first time managers should become aware of how to utilize  emotional intelligence in the office through leadership training in order to be prepared for the vast amount of situations that involve communication in a management position. It is important to be prepared.

Promoting Through Skills

Unfortunately, companies tend to promote based on technical skills, not leadership skills, which can lead to any number of challenges.  We’ve all had the experience of working for a boss that knew our job inside out but couldn’t communicate expectations or organize a project team to save her life. However, a manager who undergoes leadership training is able to develop responsibility, accountability, emotional intelligence, executive presence, and communication skills, which he or she will be able to apply in multiple situations, resulting in impact far beyond themselves.

With better communication and leadership skills, a first-time manager will be able to speak directly and clearly with their direct reports and clients, gain confidence, and in time, develop into a full-fledged leader in your organization.

The variety of skills that come from leadership training will make first-time managers not only better at their current role, but will prepare them for the future and help them get promoted.  Start your young leaders off on the right path, and it will pay dividends in the organization right from the start, as well as for years to come.


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