Every engagement begins with a comprehensive evaluation. We believe that measuring our clients’ capabilities at the start of every coaching partnership is critical to setting appropriate goals and building a strategy to achieve real, lasting results. These benchmarks are valuable metrics that enable the coach to meet clients where they are.
Leadership Assessments
Our assessments at Arden serve as the cornerstone for personalized coaching, providing a swift and comprehensive overview of a leader’s unique leadership and communication style, emotional intelligence, personal strengths, values, conflict navigation approaches, and team dynamics. These insights are instrumental in crafting targeted strategies for impactful change and sustained growth.

360˚ Leadership Assessment
In our results-focused coaching process, we offer a 360° leadership assessment to provide a detailed view of the executive’s current skill standing and perception by others.
Depending on the executive’s goals and specific needs, they may select either a quantitative or qualitative evaluation. Based on the valuable insights revealed, the coach and client together create a concrete development plan that forms the basis of the coaching engagement.
Option 1: The Leadership Circle™ Profile
This is an exceptional tool that measures the executive’s leadership abilities and underlying beliefs. Our coaches then guide the leader in shifting their thinking and actions to create long-term impact.
Option 2: Stakeholder Interviews
In a qualitative assessment, the executive selects colleagues in their immediate sphere to provide them with feedback on their performance, habits, and how they are perceived. These insight-rich interviews provide greater visibility into the executive’s relationships and effectiveness.
Workplaces are made up of people with different communication styles, priorities, and preferences, so getting everyone to work well together can be challenging. Our coaches use a DiSC assessment to help clients understand their own preferences and style, as well as those of those around them. This process helps clients better navigate interactions with their team members for greatly enhanced effectiveness.
Arden coaches use a client’s newfound understanding to bridge important gaps and facilitate more effective communication.
Simple, Potent, and Powerful
EverythingDiSC® offers a powerful suite of tools, from Agile EQ to Productive Conflict assessments. While easy to understand, these tools rapidly yield profound insights. Our clients quickly “get” the basis of these tools, which makes it easier for them to apply what they discover.
A Flexible Solution That Suits a Variety of Needs
Whether for a specific department, leadership team, or an entire organization, Arden coaches build a DiSC plan that gets results. This tool is flexible enough to complement other team development work, and it functions beautifully as a fun, educational workshop in an offsite or team-building event.
DiSC Assessment
Hogan Assessment
One of the most highly regarded leadership assessments in the coaching industry, the Hogan series of solutions provides a variety of options for evaluating a leader’s style, including their strengths, de-railers, values, and more.
This assessment helps leaders understand the difference between the way they see themselves and the way they may be perceived by their colleagues.
The Value of Leadership Development: Greater Self-Awareness
Developed over more than three decades of validated research, Hogan assessments were the first to scientifically measure personality for business. The Hogan provides critical insights into characteristics that contribute to a leader’s success—as well as those that can cause career derailment—to create a more complete, nuanced picture of their challenges and strengths.
The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) is perhaps the most widely used emotional intelligence assessment tool in the world. Based on more than 20 years of global research, its rigorous reliability and many validity studies make it a popular choice among our clients.
The EQ-i 2.0 delivers insight into a client’s self-perception, self-expression, decision-making, stress management, and interpersonal skills.
Discover Social and Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses
This powerful tool focuses on life and workplace performance in the 15 key areas proven to contribute to success in complex business activities including conflict resolution and planning. This assessment also helps to identify areas for improvement, so the leader can immediately begin to adjust their approach.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) Shapes Leadership Style
Coupled with skilled Arden coaching, the EQ-i 2.0 helps maximize leaders’ effectiveness in their daily interactions with colleagues and teams, as well as begin to realize their full potential, providing significant benefits to the organization.
EQ-i 2.0® Assessment
Five Behaviors Team Assessment
First published in 2002, Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team™, has revolutionized the way leaders work with their teams. Since then, Lencioni has refined and augmented his approach to focus on what makes teams work well, ultimately creating The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ assessment.
As part of a greater program, this assessment examines a team’s dynamic and effectiveness to help members grow together.
The Five Behaviors Can Transform Your Team
We believe that effective, harmonious teamwork is one of the most important business advantages for any organization. If you seek to create an engaging, trusting, and dynamic culture and a nimble team that gets results, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team program is the quickest route to success.
Arden Coaches Tailor the Program to Your Specific Needs
After learning your goals for your team, we will customize a plan to reach them. We’ll administer the Five Behaviors assessment to get real data on your team and conduct an offsite to share the results, explain the model, and create an action plan. We facilitate additional sessions with the group and/or individuals to help them practice new behaviors. We then offer follow-up offsites to assess progress and determine next steps. Your coach will right-size this valuable program to fit your organization’s needs.
Coach-Recommended Additional Assessments
Our coaching toolkit includes an extensive variety of additional validated assessments designed to address a wide spectrum of leadership and team challenges. Your coach will recommend the assessments most appropriate to reach your goals and help effect real, lasting change within your organization.
More Proven Tools to Move Your Organization Forward
In addition to those mentioned above, our experienced coaches administer a wide variety of additional assessments, including MBTI (Myers-Briggs), Judgment Index, Energy Leadership Index, Thomas Kilman conflict assessment, The Empowerment Dynamic, Enneagram, Strengthsfinder, Immunity to Change, Firo B, and many more. Contact us today to discover which assessment solutions are right for your organization’s needs.