Arden Executive Coaching | Groundedness: The Root of Confidence for Professionals

Groundedness: The Root of Confidence for Professionals

by Kevin Anthony Johnson

Groundedness and self-confidence go hand in hand. In order to become more in tune with oneself and exude confidence, professionals must embrace their personal truth, becoming aware of their inherent abilities, experiences, and growth. Groundedness serves as the root, and confidence becomes the fruit.

Understanding Confidence

In the realm of personal and professional growth, confidence holds significant value. It reflects an inner trust in our capacity and capability to achieve certain goals. Derived from the Latin word ‘con-fidere,’ which means having full trust, self-confidence is essentially a manifestation of congruence—alignment between mind, body, and spirit. It signals an assurance rooted in experience and a history of success.

Take an example from athletics: A sprinter who has consistently trained and demonstrated excellence in previous competitions will enter a race with confidence. The preparation has been done; the only thing left is the execution of their abilities.

Distinguishing False Confidence

However, there is a concept called “false confidence,” which is misleading and can result in a deep mistrust in one’s capabilities. This form of confidence is built upon a misplaced trust in abilities that haven’t yet been developed. Unlike trash-talking or posturing, which aim to affect an opponent’s psychological state, false confidence is self-deception.

When professionals assume that their skills or knowledge are sufficient without testing themselves in more challenging scenarios, they risk developing this false confidence. This disloyalty to personal truth can be self-sabotaging.

Diagnosing Lack of Groundedness

Consider these questions to determine if you might be ungrounded:

  • Do you regularly feel overwhelmed or overcommitted in your life?
  • Do you often find yourself speaking about topics you’re not well-informed about?
  • Are you uncomfortable with silence?
  • Do you struggle to stay focused on a single task until completion?

Answering “yes” to any of these questions could indicate a lack of groundedness.

Grounding in Yourself

Being grounded means embracing personal truth—recognizing who we are, what we’ve learned, and how we’ve grown. When we internalize and accept this truth, we can experience a deeper sense of groundedness, which in turn gives rise to self-confidence.

There’s no need to compare your confidence to others’. Each of us has unique experiences and challenges that shape our personal truth. Once you accept and embrace this truth, you’ll find that every other aspect of your life begins to align with this new awareness.

Observe those who command attention without relying on material objects or status. They don’t need external crutches to make an impact; they’re grounded in themselves. So when you’re tempted to embellish a story or speak about a topic you’re not well-versed in, ask yourself why. Are you trying to impress others? Do you feel that your presence requires validation?

In moments of silence, resist the urge to fill the space with words. Instead, embrace the silence and witness your experience of yourself. When you own your discomfort and cultivate your own presence, you are building a deep reliance and trust in yourself—you’re practicing being grounded.

As professionals, groundedness is key to finding our footing and exuding genuine confidence. Once you fully understand and accept your personal truth, you can stand firmly in your authentic self, ready to make a meaningful impact.

Elevate your Leadership Potential

To learn more about practicing groundedness and executive coaching, reach out to Kevin for a consultation.