Arden Executive Coaching | 5 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover

5 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover

If you’ve seen a spike in the number of exits at your company, it’s time to reevaluate the inner workings. Here are five ways to help reduce employee turnover brought to you by the workplace pros at Arden Coaching.

  1. Conduct Regular Performance Reviews

Employees who aren’t provided with regular performance reviews or informal feedback from their supervisors are more likely to be uninspired in their positions. Without an example of what to strive for or an idea of whether they’re headed in the right direction, employees tend to lose focus.

By providing your employees with monthly performance reviews and consistent feedback when taking on new challenges, they’ll feel more engaged with the work they do, and you’ll receive work that’s more in line with what you’re looking for (a true win-win in our opinion).

Employees provided with this valuable input have a better understanding of their progress and feel more appreciated, which, as you can imagine, lessens the chance that they’ll look for new opportunities during their lunch break.

  1. Develop the Supervisor-Employee Relationship

A supervisor who only sees his or her employees as titles instead of people are bound to lose their most talented individuals—and fast. And numerous sources in the corporate world have said it again and again: People quit their bosses, not their jobs. This is why the supervisor-employee relationship is extremely important.

When employees respect their supervisor and feel as though they can talk to and confide in them, they’re more likely to express when they need help instead of packing up their desks for greener pastures.

  1. Give Your Employees Opportunities to Grow

This point goes hand in hand with developing supervisor-employee relations. Supervisors who have a relationship Arden Executive Coaching | 5 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnoverwith their individual employees also have a better grasp of their strengths and their personal gaps in performance. Talk about addressing these gaps and developing new skills transitions well into future project and career planning.

Facilitated through the supervisor-employee bond, opening employees to considering their interests and goals for the future with opportunities at your company can help individuals stay motivated in their current roles and geared toward advancement within the organization.

  1. Establish Company Values and Live by Them

Company values make up the moral fiber of your organization, but they come down to much more than just a catchy tagline on your website. Do you and your employees actually embrace these standards every day?

Let’s say your company lists exceptional customer service as one of its core values. Yet when customers call, nobody picks up the phone. A company that doesn’t practice what it preaches is bound to lose many genuine employees’ interests.

Instead, look at your current values and revise them if necessary. Make it a point to communicate these values to all parts of the organization and, more importantly, embody them in your day-to-day tasks and initiatives. Meaningful goals will unite the members of your company.

  1. Hire by Cultural Fit

This tip works in conjunction with living the company’s values: It’s hiring for them. One of the most important things you can do to prevent employees from making an unexpected exit is hiring individuals who fit your company’s culture.

In your next interview for a position, pay careful attention to their personality. Do you see this person fitting into your company’s work ethic and values?

There’s a lot that a company can do to keep current employees motivated in moving its goals forward. Executive coaching is an effective down-the-line approach to inspiring your employees at multiple levels.

To learn more about whether your organization would benefit from an executive coaching partnership, check out Arden’s free eBook How Does an Executive Coaching Engagement Work?
Arden Executive Coaching | 5 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover